
Do You Really Need To Pay For Antivirus Software?

If you’re not using any antivirus software on your home PC, (or Mac) then you need to sort that out, stat! You may think that you are being careful enough by never clicking on silly links you see on the internet. Online links and adverts that promise instant wealth, free cars or eternal youth can […]


What Should You Choose: Smartphone, Tablet or Laptop?

Even after the advent and broader appeal of smartphones and tablets in the average household (laptops having been a mainstay for many households for quite some time before that), the divide between these devices used to be a lot bigger. There was a time, shock horror, when phones were just used for calls and texting. […]


5 Ways To Save Laptop Battery Life

In a previous post, I talked about things to think about before buying a new laptop. Here though, I want to cover a few things you can do to get the most out of your mobile computing friend, before it needs a charge up. As is the way with mobile devices, be they smartphones, tablets […]